Decade of Betrayal

Decade of Betrayal – the sequel – is in progress

Coming soon in 2018!

Decade of Betrayal

It’s 1948, and this time it’s personal. Ray and Yuki find themselves in pursuit of SMERSH assassins on a trail that reveals one of World War II’s best-kept secrets. Lend-Lease was much more than what we were led to believe, and in fact continues into the post-war years. Vivid proof shocks the world as the USSR explodes its first atomic weapon.

Teaming with a young sergeant of the Army Signal Corps, the pair benefits from leaked transcripts of an ultra-secret operation to decipher coded Soviet message traffic. Armed with foreknowledge made available to few others, Ray and Yuki unmask the clandestine activities of a whole new cabal of deep-cover moles, garden-variety traitors, and their fellow travelers.

Meantime, crafty Joe Stalin’s plot to derail Communist Chinese relations with the West culminates in war on the Korean peninsula. As our nation’s forces brave human wave assaults from the Red horde, Yuki foresees a horrific outcome that is deeply troublesome to contemplate. Could our nation’s finest hold the line and win the peace, only to be stabbed in the back some years later as a conspiracy of Communist sympathizers in Congress assist the Soviet-backed regime to an unearned victory?

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